$7.4 Millon Awarded to a Professor in a Fair Housing Act Lawsuit

Congratulations to the Sanford Heisler trial team on securing a victory on behalf of their client, Dr. Emma Adams, a biological sciences professor in Southern California. The case alleged that the AQUA 388 Community Association and its management company denied Dr. Adams an accessible parking space despite her disability and need to accommodate her wheelchair-accessible van.

Following a one-week trial in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, a nine-person jury awarded Dr. Emma Adams $7 million in compensatory damages and an additional $400,000 in punitive damages as a result of the defendants’ violations of the Fair Housing Act.

Congratulations to Kevin Sharp, Russell Kornblith, Brent Hannafan, Rachel Yue, Matthew Lichtblau, and Alok Nadig on the win.

DOAR was proud to assist the Sanford Heisler team with the development of graphics and presentation of evidence at trial.

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