Insights & News.

DOAR’s Justin Kelly Helps Attorneys Craft and Deliver Impactful Trial Presentations

| DOAR |
DOAR’s Justin Kelly is a leading trial presentation consultant working with prominent attorneys across the country on high-stakes litigation. On every engagement, he brings his extensive experience in video production and storytelling, and his expertise in running live presentations for clients at trial. Kelly has worked on more than 300 cases for nearly two decades, […]

Jury Selection in Labor and Employment Cases

Jury selection in employment cases provide unique opportunities and challenges for litigators.  Employment cases differ from most other cases that come before a jury in that the majority of jurors come in with personal experience with employment.  They have been employees, employers or both.  In contrast to patent cases or securities litigation where we often […]

White Collar Criminal Defense Acquittals in 2022 Mark Notable Year of Success for DOAR

| DOAR |
January 30, 2023 – New York, New York – 2022 marked a notable year for DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting firm, driven largely by its involvement in several high-stakes, prominent white collar criminal defense matters that resulted in victories for DOAR’s clients. The company attributes its success to its commitment to excellence, its longstanding […]

DOAR Managing Director Andy Cepregi Takes High-Tech Trials to the Next Level

| DOAR |
Andy “Bunky” Cepregi is a well-known, respected trial presentation consultant through his 20+ years of work with many of the nation’s top trial lawyers. He has been the lead trial consultant in more than 100 trials, including bench and jury trials, arbitrations, and court-related hearings. He specializes in high-tech presentation strategies, courtroom technology, and the […]

The trial consultants trusted by the nation’s leading trial lawyers.